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The List

What is the greatest thing on earth? What is the best thing you can give? What's the best gift?

The most destructive habit: Worry

The greatest joy: Giving

The greatest loss: Self-respect

The most satisfying work: Helping others

The ugliest personality trait: Selfishness

The most endangered species: Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resources: Our youth

The greatest “shot in the arm”: Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome: Fear

The most effective sleeping pill: Peace of Mind

The most crippling failure disease: Excuses

The most powerful force in life: Love

The most dangerous pariah: A gossiper

The world’s most incredible computer: The brain

The worse thing to be without: Hope

The deadliest weapon: The tongue

The two most power-filled words: “I can”

The greatest asset: Faith

The most worthless emotion: Self-pity

The most beautiful attire: A smile

The most prized possession: Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication: Prayer

The most contagious spirit: Enthusiasm

Ernesto Cole

A Word

Life and death are in the power of the tongue - the words you use are important - use them kindly.

A Word

A word could cause discord.

A word could ruin a life.

A bitter word could create hate.

A brutal word could hit and kill.

A nice word could soften the path.

A timely word could brighten a day.

A word with love and affection could bless.

A tender word could lift many hopes.

A balanced word could bring us peace.

A discrete word could make us wise.

An opportune word in front of a misfortune will force us to keep ahead.

A word could give us a lot and could take away all.

A word that is the one we need to hug one another.

A word is Love among all human beings of the universe!

Ernesto Cole

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