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Head Keeper-Uppers

How do you react? Your character is determined by what you do when you face problems.

Don’t let life discourage you. Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.

When you stop striving to get better, you get worse.

You only fail when you never try.

Whatever your lot in life, build something on it.

The only limitations we have are those we acknowledge. Life is a feast, don’t starve yourself.

Don’t plan to fail by failing to plan.

Measure twice, cut once.

Focus on making things better, not bigger.

Live your life in exclamation, not an explanation.

Don’t be something—be someone.

As you go through life, never try to prove yourself—improve yourself.

By the work, one knows the workman.

When the chips are down, yell, “Bingo!”

When life hands you lemons—make lemonade.

Make a home in your heart for the truth and the truth will bring you home.

None are so empty as those that are full of themselves.

Ernesto Cole

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