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Formula To Happiness

Love until your heart smiles and until they say you're crazy - love truly and completely until you can't anymore.

Love, being happy is reduced to this.

Love without being afraid of exceeding yourself.

Love until your feet hurt.

Love even though everything else invites you not to.

Love everyday as if you are never to love again.

Love and be so happy that without showing it, it shows.

Love even if you’re not loved.

Love whom no one loves and everyone hates.

Love in any language, every being.

Love more those who love least.

Love until your heart smiles.

Love even though you think you’re getting nowhere. God is able to make something out of nothing.

Love until they say you’re crazy.

Love black Monday, Tuesday the 13th, Ash Wednesday, any Thursday, sour Friday, wonderful Saturday because only so will you also love Sunday of Resurrection.

Love because you may lose it all, but no one will ever be able to stop you from loving.

Love, and when you can no more, even when your heart is bleeding for your bother or sister, do not doubt it—continue to love!

Love who has nothing and no one will give him or her anything.

Love in the certainty that someone already loves you and will love you like you will never understand—until infinity!

Ernesto Cole

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